Preparations are well underway for another exciting year in the daycares!
Heritage College nursing and early childhood education students have been selected for 2014.
Brian and Sheila will join the Heritage team for an information session, Friday, Sept. 27th.
2013- In front of the new bottle classroom built at
Chacap with Mateo who introduced us to building
with bottles and guided us through the process.
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Canadian volunteers and daycare mums complete a long day
working on the new bottle classroom at Chacap, 2013.
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Heritage College teams eat lunch on the Chicken
bus rented to get them to Santa Maria daycares.
Nursing student working with an interpreter to
examine a young girl in the daycare.
The medical station ready to evaluate the kids.
Some of the medicines brought down for daycares
by the Heritage College team. Thank-you!
A new pila-( wash station) delivered to the daycare
used to wash dishes in or do laundry as needed.
Outdoor play area set up under a big tarp at
Palestina daycare to keep kids out of the sun.
A badly infected thumb gets cared for by the doctor
who visited the daycare with Heritage College.
The power of books to teach and entertain.
Daycare mums and volunteers working on a new
classroom.( 10 mothers and 25 kids collected and
stuffed nearly 200 bottles with trash for the class.)
Volunteers starting to apply the adobe .
Kids enjoy some marble art.
This daycare class lines up to say goodbye to the
volunteers who helped with art activities and
building a new bottle classroom today. |