Forwarded January 16th
Brian arrived with a dreadful cold so we had to lay low for a few days. We had to wait for 3 days to deposit our money in Pana, then we made our way to San Juan. There has been a lot of damage to roads and buildings due to the big earthquake here back in October or November. I'm sending pictures of blasting get out the mountainside behind our apt to widen the road from 1 to3 lanes which is safer- now when the big buses and trucks pass tuk tuks and pedestrians there is less chance of falling off the steep mountainside. When we drove in by van from Antiqua
to Panajachel, we were suddenly rerouted down across a riverbed in a couple of feet of water because the road had been broken and the.bridge had sunk out of sight.

Three of the daycares lost their buildings. So we have had several meetings with Rising Minds and Infantiles SOS and Mateo and plan to start immediately to rebuild 2 classrooms using the bottle construction we used last year and, look for another sites for the third class. The good news- the class we built last year survived intact when another building very close by was completely destroyed! Also we will get to work on play structures for each centre which the mums will help design and build.

My daycare visits have started and buying much needed program materials has begun. The kids are so happy. Now Brian has swings to repair or build, shelving to make and plans to draw up for new buildings.
The people in the streets that we buy our craft items from were glad to see us back. I have included some pictures to show boys selling cards and some women selling the lovely scarves we have at our craft fairs. Now you have a face to associate with a product. When people buy these goods, others far away have a chance at a better life.
The people in the streets that we buy our craft items from were glad to see us back. I have included some pictures to show boys selling cards and some women selling the lovely scarves we have at our craft fairs. Now you have a face to associate with a product. When people buy these goods, others far away have a chance at a better life.
Brian started construction on our house yesterday. And we are excited to have arrived and we look forward to Archie and Marilyn, Dru and Helene's visit.

Forwarded January 19th
We made it out to a couple of centres yesterday where we will be building new bottle classrooms.
Brian and Mateo measured for the new buildings and made arrangements for the ground to be
prepared for building over the weekend .Kids and staff were excited to see us back. The tire
playstructures are getting a lot of use- the kids love having a place to climb up and slide down.
We will be quite busy managing 2 big constructions involving mothers and volunteers this year.
Pictures will come soon.
I have contacted the daycares on this side of the lake , assessed their greatest needs, purchased
and delivered much needed supplies this week. Today, I prepared teacher handouts and put together materials for Valentine's Day to go out to each daycare before I return to Canada on Monday to await the arrival of my newest grandchild.
More purchasing of shoes and clothes, small toys and play mats on Saturday over in Pana, then meetings scheduled for
Sunday. After that, Brian is in charge for a few weeks. Wish him well. All the best- Sheila