Saturday, 29 March 2014

Heritage College nurses visit March 5th 2014

. An hour after we arrived another 8 people came in to repair a big section of the roof and start to do the fittings to install the solar panels. That meant, we had to clear a complete classroom and the kitchen  

 We are having a very productive week with the Heritage College team.
Monday the nursing and early childhood education students and their teachers went out to Panyebar in  2 vans and Brian and I, the interpreters. The kids were very excited to see so many of us arriving with suitcases full of art materials, shoes, school supplies and all these pretty young girls to play with them for the day.

New shelving units pre-made delivered in parts for 3 classrooms 

Shelving arriving on roof of van.
 We are having a very productive week with the Heritage College team.
Monday the nursing and early childhood education students and their teachers went out to Panyebar in  2 vans and Brian and I, the interpreters and a builder went in another van with garifunas of water, all the wood cut and predrilled to make 4 big shelving units,( one each for the 3 classrooms and another larger unit for the kitchen). The kids were very excited to see so many of us arriving with suitcases full of art materials, shoes, school supplies and all these pretty young girls to play with them for the day.
     The nurses set up assessment and treatment stations at the upper area and started in immediately to see the mothers who were waiting with their children to be seen. We gave out some donated baby clothes and adorable little wool hats that had been given to us to distribute. The mums were so grateful.
     One of the students had brought down a big box of cute knitted teddy bears given by Teddies for Tragedies. The kids loved those soft, cuddly bears. Kay from Heritage brought a terrific array of art supplies for the kids to try out. The daycare kids had never had a chance to try out such things and worked all day turning out some beautiful art pieces. 
     The daycare teachers were wonderfully patient with all of us " extra folk" and had made name tags for all the children so we could get to know them better. An hour after we arrived another 8 people came in to repair a big section of the roof and start to do the fittings to install the solar panels. That meant, we had to clear a complete classroom and the kitchen and keep the kids clear of these areas when they were so curious about everything that was going on!!
     As we were about to leave, the daycare teachers brought out over a hundred pairs of earrings they had made during the past week for us to bring back to sell to help raise additional funds for their program. They are amazing, I never know how they find the time to do everything so well. Enjoy the 

March 4th 2014 update

You can also see how cleaned up and groomed the front yard is now that it has been levelled and sandbagged along the edge to prevent the kids from falling down into the neighbours place. 

. The kids are very happy to be able to do puzzles and play with lego and other toys again.

March 3rd 2014 update

Here is a food specialist meeting with the cook at Punyebar to go over the menus to help adjust the foods used to feed the kids each day and thereby cut some cost from the food budget. 

 Some activities in the class.

Sunday, 2 March 2014

Heritage College visit March 1st. 2014

     We have been very busy getting Panyebar reopened. Here are some pictures to show the new supplies arriving, the tables and chairs being arranged in the classroom and school supplies being sorted, new shoes being given out and the happy smiles of little girls with new dolls.
     The teacher workshop was a huge success. This year Heritage College delivered their school kits and medical information to teachers from 9 different regions. We had 61 attend the conference. The daycare visits begin on Monday with a visit to Panyebar.

happy with new dolls