Wednesday 23 April 2014

This is a fund raiser for the Guatemala Daycare Project

Celebrating Community 2014

Hosted by Peggy Brewin Cooperative Preschool
Peggy Brewin Cooperative Preschool is hosting its annual fundraising auction this Sunday (April 27) at the Wakefield Community Centre. $10 entry gets you lots of yummy local eats, entry to win 2 fabulous local getaways and the chance to bid on some great auction items. See the program guide for a preview of some of the items up for grabs. We hope that you can make it. Kindly, Jennifer Bardell

Tuesday 22 April 2014

Marie and Brian's visit March 10 to 15th 2014 pictures by Neill Taniguchi -visiting Canadian friends.

First meal in the new classroom

Now the blender is run by foot power

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Kids love seeing themselves on visitors' tablets. 


Playstructure removed from Palestine                                                  

                    Brian explains how the move will take place.

        Notice hydro lines                                  


New shelving installed to serve as
a boundary between two classes in the biggest building.

  New shelving in the kitchen

Waiting to begin art project at San Juan centre. 

Alfredo hard at work on his painting.

Bubble paintings -nice when dry but messy to do.

The kids worked hard on their pictures. 

                                       Marie helps the very young with their bubble pictures.

Sunday 20 April 2014

Heritage College visit February 23rd to March 5th 2014

   Laura from Heritage surrounded as she
tries to give out shoes to kids at

Heritage students seated in front of the Guatemalan
teachers at the workshop in Panajachel

Trying out the maze made of recycled materials.
This year's theme was using recycled products to
make classroom supplies.

Paty watches as teachers try out
the fishing game.

        Workshop participants enjoy snack.

Working with one of the storyboards
in the teacher package that was prepared by Heritage College.

This workshop is a great day of fun for Mayan
teachers and the Heritage students.

 Lunch time-and time to visit and share.

Following the workshop, it is back to the learning centres
where the children get to try out the new activities.