Saturday 28 February 2015

Update February 07 2015

Sheila and Anne Marie with Gloria and her daughter who run a lending library close to our Centre in Panyebar. 

The kids were excited to receive woolen slipper boots brought down from Canada.

The teachers are making lovely Christmas ornaments for us to sell.

The classroom was decorated with artwork on the first day of classes.

Sunday 1 February 2015

Update January 2015

Below are notes from Sheila Silver who is the founder of the project . She arrived back in San Juan in early January and has taken the pictures below at the  early learning centre in the village of  Panyebar                                                                                                                                    
We have a shipment of school supplies and shoes that were shipped down which needs to be moved over here. We plan to do it all and return in the late afternoon. Then we will tackle the business of pinning down the location for the teacher workshop in February, finding accommodation for the 12 folks from Heritage College in early March and for our 2 neighbors who arrive in 3 weeks and plan out what needs to be done for the project.

Children outside  in Panyebar children's  early learning centre

Teacher and visitor Panyebar children's early learning centre

Group photo 

Lunch time at Panyebar

cooking tortillas Panyebar
 Bonnie brought Penny who runs the U.S. charity- Miracles in Action and some of her colleagues to visit the centre. Our teachers had the centre beautifully decorated with fresh leaves and flowers outside along the path as a welcome. Adriana, the nutritionist from Miracles delivered an interactive presentation on " super foods" -foods with a good nutritional value, their identification and use. She also introduced the chaya plant, gave sample cuttings for the mothers to plant, then did a demonstration to show the mums and our cook at the centre how to prepare the chaya leaves to add into tortillas. Everyone present then feasted on the "green" tortillas which were not only delicious but nutritious, too! . Chaya is also known as Mayan Spinach and it is easily grown in a small plot of earth. Knowing this, cuttings of chaya plants were givinn to those mothers and teachers in attendance, so  that this chaya could be introduced to the Panyebar region for use in their cooking for a more nutritious tortilla or salad.

Time to eat Panyebar