Monday 19 December 2016

December 19th 2016 update

December 19th fundraiser  Wakefield Elementary School 
     We just completed a successful craft sale at Wakefield Elementary School where students purchased  Guatemala craft items as  Christmas gifts for their family members. 
The next day, the " Me to We Day "group  at the school hosted a Christmas bake sale to help raise money for SaludosNinos. Quite a beautiful array of delicious looking baking. Well Done, kids. Thanks for all your help !

Monday 21 November 2016


Guatemalan Crafts including scarves, jewellery, Christmas cards and ornaments, handbags and change purses plus  much more.

Saturday 22 October 2016

September 2016 update

Pakenham Elementary School is supporting Saludos Ninos! through its Me to We program for 2016

We wish these student success in their reach for the stars

August 2016 update

August 2016 painting which greatly improved the look of the bathroom and slide.
Before                   After       

May 2016 update

Medical assessments by Heritage College Nurses 

June 2016 update teacher kits

Rosario distributing teacher workshop kits

June 2016 update

Four of the 10 more families chosen to receive water filters 
Thanks to Heritage College funds.

May 2016 update

Parents in newly pained centre for community fiesta 

Wednesday 10 August 2016

July 30th 2016 update

Donations flood in for SaludosNinos!  July 30th, 2016

August 5th 2016update

Suzanne and Sheila sort and pack boxes of donated goods- baby clothes,diapers,shoes,toys,books and school supplies in preparation for shipping them to Guatemala. THANK YOU to all who gave such beautiful things!

August 5th 2016update

Suzanne and Sheila sort and pack boxes of donated goods- baby clothes,diapers,shoes,toys,books and school supplies in preparation for shipping them to Guatemala. THANK YOU to all who gave such beautiful things!

Saturday 6 August 2016

July 7th 2016 update

Musical fundraiser, June 26 in Chelsea, Quebec a huge success.
Several musical performers, plus Guatemala crafts, chocolate and other sweet treats .

Thanks to Mark and Heather Evenchick for their special help at the July musical fundraiser - Mark entertained with a few beautiful songs and Heather helped run the craft table

Thanks to Mark and Heather Evenchick for their special help at the July musical fundraiser - Mark entertained with a few beautiful songs and Heather helped run the craft table

Mike and Margo who visited Saludos Ninos this year organized and hosted this highly successful musical evening on June 25th 2016 at the Mill Street in Chelsea Quebec.  
This year Sheila's daugther made  beautiful baby wraps and slings from Guatemala fabric to help support SaludosNinos!

July 7th 2016 update

Heritage College presents first aid at the teacher workshop in Panajachel.
Teachers get "all wrapped up" in the topic.

July 7th 2016 update

May 2016 - Fair Trade craft show, Wakefield - Sheila and Margot sell Guatemala goods in support of SaludosNinos!

June 30th 2016 update

  Margo and Mike organized a musical evening fundraiser for Saludos Ninos! last Saturday
night. They have been so involved since visiting and working in Panyebar last year.Margot sang in 3 languages and 
played ukelele ,a friend of ours from the MG car club sang ,too.Tito, from  Lake Atitlan,Guatemala
and Margot's brother in law performed as well - a wonderful night of music.
      Brian and I did a short slide show to show the changes effected in Panyebar over the past few years which
the crowd really liked and we  sold our crafts.  Robert ,a neighbour who came to help us build the bathrooms at Panyebar 2 years ago, sold delicious chocolate he made using Guatemala coffee, and 2 other ladies made and sold Guatemala cookies and squares. Such a magical night and the good news,  - $1400.00 was raised for SaludosNinos!
We will definitely do this kind of fundraiser again. Margot wants to make this an annual event.
     As well, we have been supported by another elementary school for next year and a local canoe trip group
raised funds for us too this weekend. So all and all, a very successful week for SaludosNinos!
     The  early childhood education and medical team from Heritage College has just returned to Canada. The workshop was a great success,  and the Panyebar  visits were well prepared by Rosario who took care of everything and was very efficient and organized. Heritage managed to donate 20 water filters to our families and have committed to more next year.  The people who supplied the filters did a presentation for the families, went and 
installed the filters , then did followup visits to ensure everything was understood and working well.WOW. 
       Now all we need is our charitable status. Wish us luck in that department.We are hard at work on that.
The Wakefield doctors are excited to return to help us next year and bring along some nurses. The Heritage team will be working in India for Me to We, so we are thrilled to have the doctors return with us to continue their examinations and treatments of the families in our program, especially now that so many families will have had
access to clean drinking water for a whole year.
     Thank you to all of you, the board members, for supporting SaludosNinos! All our networking is paying off and we

really appreciate your efforts to ensure that these wonderful women in Panyebar are successful.

Sunday 29 May 2016

Sunday 20 March 2016

Mach 9th 2016 update

Pictures of the Panyebar teachers receiving clothes and diapers from the Wakefield area.
A huge thank you to all who donated!! These things make a world of difference here

March 4th 2016 update visits from volunteers

 Board members, Ann and Kent visited from California.
      Here, Mateo, Ann and Kent plus Rosario and Sheila held a board meeting to discuss progress of SaludosNinos!

 This little girl and boy are thrilled with their new hats, scarves and socks.

This little girl was glad of Mateo's help with a new puzzle.

Delores and Sheila in front of class posters prepared for the newly painted classrooms.
      The whole place is  clean and bright - a lovely place to learn.