Tuesday 26 December 2017

Fundraising December 2017

Fundraising sale Chelsea elementary School December 2017  

Several successful craft sales were held in December in support of SaludosNinos!

Mike and Brian had fun manning the booth at the Chelsea Christmas Sale.


Wakefield Elementary School Holiday Sale-
     The Me to We group there designed beautiful holiday cards and sold them  donating the funds to SaludosNinos!
A wonderful initiative, very much appreciated. Well done
More sales of beautiful Guatemala crafts at the Wakefield Holiday Sales.
The SaludosNinos staff lovingly prepared all the spectacular Christmas balls.

Sunday 19 November 2017

October 10th 2017 update

SaludosNinos! teachers take first aid course in San Pedro this summer.

Sunday 5 November 2017

August 7th 2017 update

World Vision provided a ceramic floor for the centre - beautiful addition.

 Sinks, new toilets and a big new water tonaca were installed for better bathroom facilities.
                                  New ceramic floor            
                                                New sinks

                                                              New toilets

New water tonaca

The yard has another row of tires to define a clear route to the bathroom and separate the play areas

Chelsea Christmas Bazaar. Saturday, Dec. 2nd, 2017 9 - 3:30 at Chelsea Elementary School.

Chelsea Christmas Bazaar. Saturday, Dec. 2nd, 9 - 3:30 at Chelsea Elementary School.
Come pick up some truly unique gifts and support SaludosNinos!
We feature a wonderful selection of vibrant, naturally dyed scarves and shawls ;handcrafted jewelry for young people and adults - bracelets, earrings and necklaces;  carved wooden flutes ;  richly embroidered cards;   beautifully beaded Christmas ornaments; purses of all sizes, coloured tablet covers and much more.

Thursday 19 October 2017

May 27th 2017 update

A wonderful musical fundraiser in support of SaludosNinos! early learning and nutrition centre last evening held in Chelsea, Quebec hosted by Margot Doucet.
Thank you to the incredible performers for a lovely night of music and to the many volunteers who have worked with us to help the many Mayan families in
Panyebar, Guatemala. We were thrilled to see so many of you in attendance at the performance last night.

Monday 28 August 2017

We will be updating the blog in the near future after a bit of a break.

Tuesday 16 May 2017

Saturday May 27th Musical event

2nd annual Musical Fundraiser for Saludos Ninos!
Saturday May 27th 7.30 on
Mill St. Church Chelsea QC. (near Freshmart)
Guatemala Crafts,
Slide show,
Incredible music.
Cash bar.   

Friday 5 May 2017

March 23rd 2017 update

More travels down the mountain.

Looking up the road to where  the firewood load is being brought in by horse.

Beautiful Indian corn drying in neighbors yard.

March 23rd 2017 update

Some of the homes near our SaludosNinos! centre.

Landry laid out on bushes to dry in the sun

Corn Fields around some houses and dirt paths between the homes

Notice the open latrine

Thursday 4 May 2017

April 7th 2017 update

Donations delivered from Sandi and Richard's group. Thank you  to everyone who contributed to these supplies for the kid at Saludos Ninos 


10th annual Fair Trade Craft Show 
Join us this Saturday May 6th 11am to 3pm 
The Fairbairn House Wakefield (near covered bridge).
Live music, 
Market place,
Kids activities,
Lots of cake.
Saludos Ninos will be featuring new products for Mothers Day.
         Here is your opportunity to pick up some unique Mother's Day gifts and help less fortunate mums and their families at the SaludosNinos project in rural Guatemala.

2nd annual Musical Fundraiser for Saludos Ninos!
Saturday May 27th 7.30 on
Mill St. Church Chelsea QC. (near Freshmart)
Guatemala Crafts,
Slide show,
Incredible music.
Cash bar.   

Monday 1 May 2017

March 23rd 2017 update

Thanks Joey for repairing the fence today

March 23rd 2017 update

Rosario, kids and teachers working with the kits prepared by Heritage College  students. The kits were a huge hit. GRACIAS! 

Sunday 30 April 2017

April 6th 2017 update.

Each teacher enjoying the kits.

March 23rd 2017 update Clowns

This year fair day in Panyebar featured our SaludosNinos kids as clowns.
What a cute bunch. 

 Thanks, Rosario for your help with costumes and kids!

Sunday 12 March 2017

Brian and Sheila prepare to leave for Canada March 10th 2017 update.

Puzzles and car stickers from donors

Time to eat finish the art later 

Thank you for helping us REACH FOR THE STARS.
A great art idea from Packenham Elementary School.  

Preparing nutritious meals daily 

Moms an students coming to help on regular basis.
to prepare  nutritious meals and stay to eat.

Older girl serves drinks  while caring
 for a younger child on her back 

Each teacher has prepared jewelery and Christmas ornaments  for Canadian craft sales.

Time to buy some Christmas ornaments  from the staff at Saludos before heading home.