Thursday 2 February 2017

February 2nd 2017 update.

 Juana making a Christmas ornament ( 3 day's work) .

February 2nd 2017 update visitors from Austrailia

The kids love to work with visitors and show them what they do.

Our visitors feel right at home with the kids who are glad to show them their classroom.

New kitchen supplies - first in a long time, but necessary to feed so many!

January 31st 2017 visitors from Australia

 Group Shot
Visitors helping out 

Yukori and Chloe loved the jewelry and headbands the teachers made .
The girls also loved how neat and tidy the student's workbooklets were.

January 31st. update

Brian held the helping mum's  cute baby while she prepared lunch for all of us.

Yukori taught us how to make paper cranes and the kids were thrilled to make their own.

Teachers were happy to happy story books for their classrooms.
Had a wonderful day yesterday with visitors from Australia and Canada joining us to meet the kids at
SaludosNinos! Happy little kids greeted us.