Thursday, 2 April 2020

Closed due to virus. Teachers,feeding students and families.

Guatemala is all shut down but our amazing teachers have found a way to get out, buy and then prepare nutritious food for the mums in our project who are then able to come by and pick up ,in their own containers ,  these meals to feed their families during this crisis.
Ann Moriarity ( òne of our board members ) and MAYAN Partners ( who are assisting with salaries) were able to get the local mayor inside to permit this  and they are helping us to pay for this program while it continues. This enables these most vulnerable families to continue to eat. What an  incredible team of special women make up Saludos Ninos!!

February 15th 2020 update

Working on valentines cards
 Distributing water filters to Student families
 Fun in the school yard. Goodbye to Rachelle, beloved volunteer