Saturday 21 January 2012

Hola from Guatemala

 Thank you to all of you who donated goods and showed an interest in knowing more about this Daycare Project. Brian and I arrived in Panajachel  in early January and got right to work.

Our goods had arrived from Canada a couple of months before.We hired a pickup truck and driver to help us move all the boxes of books,toys,clothes,lego,etc. from Suden , the place where all these things had been stored for a few months - to the office of Infantiles SOS in Solola about 15 km. away. Suden,-is a terrific place for the very poor to buy all kinds of goods at very low prices. It is run by a wonderful couple from Quebec, Canada who kindly shipped our goods down. We can not thank them enough for their generous offer!

Immediately we began the job of unpacking, organizing, repacking and distributing of all these wonderful things to the various daycare centres on both sides of lake Atitlan.  A BIG job. Due to the heavy rains this year, there had been a lot of damage done to roadways but now the roads were being worked on and in some places they are being widened and guard rails added. Yahoo.

 Sheila and Brian.

Two truck loads were delivered to
 the Infantiles SOS office
 Our mountain of supplies stacked in the office 
Brian carrying the goods up the
steep steps to the Infantiles SOS
office in Solola    

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