Sunday 11 March 2012

Delivery and installation of play structures


        Construction on pad>

Hello everyone- We are so excited!!! Brian with the help of our great friend Mateo finished, delivered and installed the first playstructure today to Palestina! A special thanks to Richard for providing the impetus to get this going. The kids were so incredibly excited. It will provide hours and hours of fun for these little kids. THANK YOU . The structure was designed and built by Brian in a friend's workshop in San Pablo, then taken apart and transported away up above San Juan to Palestina, where with the help of Mateo and his dad and friends, it was reassembled and installed. The pics show it on the truck going uphill; the view; the unloading and the reconstructing.

<Final assembly

                                     Initial trial>

.<Final product

                                             View of lake

The best part of this little project was watching the sheer joy that the kids had playing on it. They had never seen a structure like this. Even the teacher got on it!!!
The teams of nurses and early childhood educators have been amazing! The various communities have embraced them whole heartedly and lasting friendships have been established. The Heritage staff and students worked so hard and did a fantastic job. Well Done.  Enjoy the photos- we all have one more big day of medical assessments and teaching, again tomorrow over  above Solola and a new hospital visit before our work is finished and the group leaves for home. Brian and I can not thank you enough for all your hard work and the friendship and fellowship we have enjoyed with you here in Guatemala. More of you must come.  More photos soon. Sheila and Brian

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