Friday, 8 February 2013

February 6th update

Here are some photos of the new classroom being built in Panyebar. We have had to use block in the first half since it is below grade for most of it. The upper half will be built using the plastic bottle method that we used last year. The teachers have organized the bottle collection with the parents and next week we will start this phase of the project. This will be a substancial addition to this Daycare, the kids were crowded into such a small place and they had to walk to a different location to eat. Once this is finished a kitchen will built in one of the old classrooms which is right beside this building.
Our second classroom which is in Chacap is well under way, in fact the super structure will be completed by Feb 8. This had to be built because their old adobe classroom was destroyed by the earth quake they had in November. Dru, Helene. Archie and Marilyn will be doing the bottle work on this one.


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