Saturday 25 January 2014

LASO from San Jose California joins project

 LASO (Latin American Student Organization) 60 members strong , ranging in age from 14 to 18 from San Jose, California.Their teacher Brenda Mercado contacted us to donate backpacks of school supplies to our daycares this year.
The mission of LASO is to raise acknowledgement of their Latino culture through community service to help their members become confident leaders of the future, and show that even though they are a minority group, they can make a difference. By contributing to our daycare project, they are really stepping up to the plate to help Guatemalan children reach their fullest potential to obtain the opportunities and quality education that children receive back in California. We are very excited that LASO chose to partner with us. Helping a Latin American country was a goal of LASO since its start and these young people are to be commended for this important step in promoting their cause.

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