Friday 27 March 2015

March 9th 2015 update finishing projects

    The bathrooms are finished and opened at Panyebar thanks to volunteers visiting from Wakefield and some helping mums, teachers and kids from our centre.

     Eyeglasses were handed out  at the teacher workshop last week and on the street to people needing them Also many seniors gathered at a seniors drop in centre to pick out much needed eye wear donated from Canada. Those receiving eye glasses were so grateful to be able to see better  to be able to weave, work and read.

  . Those receiving eye glasses were so grateful to be able to see better  to be able to weave, work and read.

Sheila with recipients of new glasses

     Heritage College contributed to another successful teacher/medical workshop and left medicines, toys, books, art supplies, games, shoes and clothes for us to distribute to children in our centres. These things really enrich the programs the kids enjoy. Thank you to all who helped make these things possible. 

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