Thursday 9 March 2017

New quilts and toys February 8th 2017 update

 Suzanne and Denis from SUDEN visted SaludosNinos today to deliver a quilt and toy to everyone of our kids! What a gift. 
One of the beautiful quilts delivered today to SaludosNinos! Thank you to those who so lovingly made them.

Suzanne distrubting quilts today.

More quilts and toys given out by Suden to the students of SaludosNinos

Denis made some new friends today in Panyebar. These kids are so excited to have warm covers and a toy of their own.

Denis made some new friends today in Panyebar. These kids are so excited to have warm covers and a toy of their own.
 Beautiful quilts given to students of SaludosNinos!

Beautiful quilts given to students of SaludosNinos!
Kids select their own toy happily from those brought to the centre from SUDEN

Once each child selects a toy, then they were given a warm quilt to take home.

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