Wednesday 28 February 2018

February 28th 2018 update

  • We visited the centre again today to unpack and organize all the shoes and clothes sent down from the Wakefield area. Shoes were given out to those needing them and warm sweaters, too were given to kids who did not have any. The shipment of backpacks arrived from Pakenham Elementary School and were given out to the older children who attend elementary school part of each day.Lots of smiles  here today.
         A volunteer from the Wakefield area is here with me and she is taking lots of good quality photos which I will send through to you once she sends them to me. She lives over
    near San Marcos  but we will see her again on Friday when she will have had a chance to
    forward some photos to me.
         Mateo and Brian measured and started purchases of materials necessary for construction of the new classroom, slated to begin next week. So, we are in full swing  down here.  

Kids once more enjoy the climber and slide now that it has been repaired and installed in a better location at SaludosNinos!

Friends of SaludosNinos! enjoy lunch at the centre. MM good food.
This shows all the switchbacks on the mountain road we take from( the right) San Juan La Laguna up to Santa Clara on the left which is just one leg of the journey to SaludosNinos! project in Panyebar.Incredible!!

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