Thursday 29 March 2018

Update March 25th 2018 new classroom almost completed

Construction at Saludos Niños

Cute portrait of one of the youngest students
 Boys playing on the play structure 
 Brian installing hooks for the kitchen utensils
 Cute student portrait
 Medications & vitamins for kids, teachers and their families
 The visiting medical team
Photo of the medical team - close up
 Water filter for the group of mothers
 Representatives from Ecofiltro - post presentation
New water filters delivered 

 Filters appreciated by mothers
Mothers group listening to water filter presentation

 Mothers group with their new water filters

Ecofiltro representative making presentation about water filter

Ecofiltro representative explaining to the mothers how the filters work
Sheila making introductions during water filter presentation to mothers group
 Sheila confirming attendance at water filter presentation

Typical family home with water filter now installed 

Water filter in home.

The wall in the new classroom, prepped for painting
 Portrait of girl on swing

Saturday 17 March 2018

Update March 15th 2018 life in Panyebar

The pictures on this post were supplied by Natalie who is visiting from France with her family to help out at at the daycare. 

Mayan fabrics for sale at the market

Young man with horse

Shopping at the market in Santa Clara

Sheila buying local crafts from Panyebar for fundraiser resale in Canada 

 Sheila and the teachers reviewing student medical files for upcoming Doctor visit

 Sheila and Juan (I think that's his name) - Visit to the private school in Panyebar

Kids at work - love the way the sun is shining through on this student's hair!

Panyebar Streetscape - Rosario & beautiful flowers

View of the town and Colegio Bethel private school

 The front facade of the Colegio Bethel private school in Panyebar

Kids in action on the recently repaired play structure
 Panyebar streetscape - Rosario & Brian heading home for the day

School yard at Panyebar public school

 View over the village of Panyebar, nestled in the hills

Cute kids @ play @ Saludos Ninos

 Market day in Santa Clara - view from above

Sheila & Brian deep in conversation with the teachers

 Portrait of some cute girls @ Saludos Ninos

Creative kids at Saludos Ninos with their 'goggles'

 Cute boys @ Saludos Niños
Progress on new classroom construction - it's coming along!
 Construction workers at work
Chicken bus travelling through Santa Clara
 Buddies at school @ Saludos Ninos
Beautifully decorated classroom - Saludos Niños
 Brian hard at work with the kids
Beautiful girls in the yard at the Panyebar public school - excited to have their photo taken
 Snack time at the Panyebar Public School