Thursday 15 March 2018

March 15th update.

Hello everyone-
Please check out the blog and facebook postings. We are very busy down here.
Natalie, our vounteer from the Wakefield area, is taking beautiful pictures which Brian Evenchick is posting to the blog.
      A  big medical clinic is happening tomorrow! We have 4 doctors and several volunteers. The supplies are being
cataloged this afternoon. The forms are copied and ready to be filled in. I even found pictures of a doctor and
photographer for the kids to colour while they await their examination.
     The door and window are being delivered on Tuesday for installation in the new class. The ceramic is ordered as are 10 new water filters for new,families anxious to have their own filter. Profiles are being compiled for,individual
familes and each of ourmteachers' families so that our donors and followers will soon be able to know more about
the incredible "family " of folks that actually enable Saludos Ninos to run so efficiently.
Visitors who stopped in earlier this week were very impressed with our little project. The kids were so friendly and
settled, the food delicious and the teachers so caring and pleasant with everyone. That's what we like to hear and
we are so proud of everyone here. Please check out our postings and encourage friends and neigbours to have a look, too. It takes a village to raise a child and we can always use help to keep rolling along. The more people who know about us, the better.
     Sunday, is Panyebar fiesta day. Our kids will parade wearing their magnifient "tipica" clothing. Afterwards, the teachers are preparing a special lunch for us. Our teachers are also hard at work to finish jewelry and Christmas
ornaments for us to bring back for sale in Canada. This,year we have some brand new SaludosNinos bracelets.
We will produce our first SaludosNinos calendar for sale this year, too with more pictures of the community of
Panyebar and of course many fabulous pictures of our students.
     Thanks to all of you who follow our efforts on various media. You are the reason our project is so successful.
Best wishes to everyone, and to tjose of you living in the Wakefield/Ottawa area, there will be a terrific musical
fundraiser hosted at,Mill Street,in Chelsea on April 28th. Details will be posted on the web and facebook, soon.
Next week, we will give an update on our medical clinic. Best wishes to all of you.  Sheila and Brian

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