Tuesday 28 January 2020

January 18th 2020 update

Today, we held a meeting with all the teachers, plus Ann and Kent, Paty and Rosario, Sheila and Brian to discuss program changes for this year during  Delores' absence and the pending birth of Rosario's child in early March. We learned about the new Magical Aula program  and were thrilled to see the teachers' enthusiasm to implement this curriculum.We also  began to organise  events like the medical clinic and water filter workshop, distribution of filters for new families, clothing and shoes for those in need and plans for general maintenance of the property and classrooms. A wonderful beginning to a new year.

Showing the different work centres 

     The teachers are thrilled to use the Magical Classroom materials. This is the second day of CLASS!

Two older kids demonstrate the dance moves shown on the screen. The kids love the music videos they work with. The classrooms were organized into various "centres". This year the kids are from 2 to 5 years old, which allows much more learning to take place with a more homogeneous  group.

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